Code of conduct: SouthZEB Members

As a Certified SouthZEB Scheme Member, I will:

(1) act with integrity and fairness;

(2) have regard to the public interest and to the interests of all those affected by their activities;

(3) do not maliciously or recklessly injure or attempt to injure the reputation of another person;

(4) avoid conflicts of interest;

(5) uphold the reputation of the Scheme.


The function of Memnbers will be discharged, as follows:

(1) exercise appropriate skill, care, diligence and judgement in providing services to clients;

(2) do not misrepresent themselves as having expertise and experience that they do not possess;

(3) maintain and broaden their expertise;

(4) undertake only those tasks for which they have appropriate expertise and experience;

(5) do not carry out work for which they are not qualified;

(6) acknowledge that for some projects they may lack appropriate experience to enable them to act as service provider; and

(7) disclose to the SouthZEB manager if they have been convicted of an offence by a court or have been subject to an adverse finding of any kind by any tribunal, court or other authority.

(8) be part of the construction and building industry with appropriate experience.