Traditional houses in Agria
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General Information:
- Project name: Traditional houses in Agria
- Project type: new building
- Building type: semi-detached house
- Building Typology: residential
- Location: Greece, Magnesia Region, Agria Municipality
- Year of construction: 2012
- Number of buildings: 3
- Number of floors: 3
Building Size:
- Treated floor area: 123 m2
Building Envelope:
- Exterior wall: 4 mm exterior plaster; 2 mm glue; 200 mm EPS 150; 2 mm glue; 150 mm bricks; 12 mm interior plaster; U=0.216 W/(m2K)
- Roof: 20 mm interior plaster; 150 mm concrete; 500 mm EPS 150; U-value=0,066 W/(m2K)
- Basement floor: 15 mm laminate; 5 mm underlayer; 30 mm lightweight concrete; 50 mm EPS 150; 400 mm concrete; U-value=0,48 W/(m2K)
- Window and balcony doors: windows with wooden frame; U=0.749 W/(m2K)
Building service systems:
- Ventilation: ventilation unit with heat recovery and subsoil heat exchanger.
- Heating: air conditioning system.
- Photovoltaic installation: improved flat plate solar collector for DHW, with 300 l storage for each house.
Building energy performance:
- Annual heating demand: 13 kWh/m2a
- Heating load: 14 kWh/m2a
- Primary energy requirement: 86 kWh /m2a
- Air tightness: n50 = 0.6/h
Links for further information:
- http://passivhausprojekte.de/index.php#d_2409
- http://www.x-g.gr/