SouthZEB Training and Certification Framework

  • What is?

    The SouthZEB certification system provides a platform for training in the design, construction and operation of near zero energy buildings in Southern european countries.

  • Where?

    The training will occur in Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Portugal, through blended learning:  a combination of classroom-based learning and E-learning.

  • When?

    The timeframe of the SouthZEB project covers the period from 2015 to 2020, including both trainers and trainees members.

    The SouthZEB training modules for trainers will occur on the 2nd semester of 2015 (starting 15th October) and for trainees on the 1st semester of 2016, respectively.

  • Who can apply?

    The target audience are professionals that are involved in the building sector and have appropriate qualifications and experience. A  minimum experience period  of 2,5 years is expected in the case of trainers, whereas in case of trainees no minimum experience period is required.

  • How to apply?

    Candidates should read Deliverable 3.1: Definition of the SouthZEB framework complete the Application Form and read and accept the Code of Conduct.

  • The Certification process

    The following diagram summarize the main steps to become a certified SouthZEB member:

    SouthZEB Certification Process

  • Training Courses

    The training platform involves ten training modules and assessment schemes for professionals involved in the building sector.

    The completion of a minimum of four modules is required to become a certified member (including Module 1 – Basic and 2 – Advanced which are mandatory).

  • Certificate

    The certificate will state the training modules completed and the dates on which they were completed and can be updated as further courses are added.

  • Know more…

    This resume does not exempt from reading Deliverable 3.1: Definition of the SouthZEB framework.