Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) is a young public university founded in 2004, based in the city of Limassol, and welcomed its first students in 2007. CUT aspires to develop itself into a modern, pioneering University able to offer education and high level research in leading branches of science and technology which have high impact on the economic, technical, and scientific sectors.
In the current project consortium, CUT participates with the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering. The Department offers a 4 year curriculum and grants a single degree in Mechanical Engineering, as well as postgraduate degrees such as MSc in Mechanical and Material Engineering and PhD programs.
Despite its minor age, the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering has achieved within the last 7 years a reputable level of research activity with more than 25 research grants as coordinators and partners from local and European granting agencies, attracting funds of a number of millions of Euro in total for our University. The recent European funded proposals with members of the faculty as partners and the two strategic infrastructure research grants funded by the Republic of Cyprus through the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation and the Structural Funds of the European Union entitled “Molecular Electronics and Photonics” and “Nanostructured Materials Systems” are the highlights of hard work from all our departmental faculty members.
The Department’s vision is to establish itself as an international centre of research and learning in the harmoniously coexisting fields of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering, and our objective is to offer high calibre undergraduate and graduate degrees. Our priority is to see that all our graduates are successful in obtaining employment in Cyprus industries or manage to seek postgraduate studies in Cyprus or abroad.
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