Distretto Technologico Trentino (DTTN) (Italy) Habitech was founded in 2006 as an Energy and Environment Cluster involving over 300 companies, research organizations and public agencies, with a turnover of close one billion euro and 8000 employees focused on improving the habitat we live in. Habitech is:

  • a network of 300 companies focusing on exploiting sustainability to develop business opportunities and community improvements
  • A national excellence hub for green building, energy and sustainable mobility
  •  The technological District for energy and environment recognized by the Italian Ministry for University and Research
  • A catalyst for green-business development Green Building, Energy and Sustainable Mobility


In these areas Habitech develops projects, offers services for innovation, technical and commercial support for enterprises and institutions.

Habitech has the expertise and experience to organize and work within the enterprise networks stimulating cooperation among different businesses and the development of innovative projects.”