EUROTRAINING (Greece) is an Educational Organization of National scope, which is certified by the National Organisation for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance. The company’s headquarters are located in Athens and it has two additional certified educational centres in Thessaloniki and Volos respectively. It’s mission is geared towards linking VET with labour market needs, upgrading people’s occupational qualifications, reinforcing their employment perspectives and strengthening social cohesion. EUROTRAINING is specialized in the area of lifelong learning and vocational training and provides an integrated package of multidimensional services including consulting, vocational training, employment promotion and development of entrepreneurship. It is mainly specialized in the sectors of IT, Energy Auditors training and professional formation and Finance & Management. Key activities include modern vocational training programs (blending learning using ICT), web-based Learning Management Systems, Human Resources training seminars, inter-entrepreneurship training seminars. EUROTRAINING, participating in the evolution of the educational procedure, has set up a remote asynchronous and synchronous system of distance training (e-learning) which provides the opportunity of training with access to educational material without requiring the physical presence of the students in the classroom.