Efficiency House Plus with Electromobility
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General Information:
- Project name: Efficiency House Plus with Electromobility
- Project type: new building
- Building type: single-family house
- Building Typology: residential
- Location: Germany, Berlin Region, Berlin Municipality
- Year of construction: 2011
- Number of buildings: 1
- Number of floors: 2
Building Size:
- Gross floor area: 181 m2
- Gross room area: 645 m2
Building Envelope:
- Exterior wall: 30 mm Thin-film PV modules; 30 mm Agraffe profile (aluminum); 30 mm Ventilated vertical panels; 20 mm OSB panel and Moisture barrier; 360 mm Cellulose insulation; 20 mm OSB panel; 60 mm vapor barrier; 12,5 mm Plasterboard panels; U=0.11 W/(m2K)
- Roof: 12,5 mm Plasterboard panels; 50 mm hemp insulation; 160 mm Installation area; 25 mm OSB panel and Vapor barrier; 400 mm Wooden bearer; 400-520 mm Cellulose insulation; 20 mm OSB panel; 2 mm Plastic insulation; 10 mm Protective structural matting; U-value=0,11 W/(m2K)
- Basement floor: 15 mm wood paneling; 3 mm cork; 2×12,5 mm dry plaster; 30 mm Wood fiber elements in aluminum casings; 25 mm Honeycomb element with filling; 25 mm OSB panel; 400 mm Cellulose insulation; 15 mm Moisture resistant particle board; U-value=0,11 W/(m2K)
- Window: triple glazing; U=0.70 W/(m2K)
Building service systems:
- Ventilation: mechanical ventilation and extraction system, with 80% heat recovery.
- Heating: central heating system with an air-to-water heat pump and floor heating.
- Photovoltaic installation: 98 m² on the roof and 73 m² modules on the roof and façade, respectively, generating electricity that is used by the building, fed into the grid or stored in a battery with a capacity of 40 kWh.
Building energy performance:
- Annual heating demand: 20.8 kWh/m2a
- Primary energy requirement: 61.1 kWh /m2a
- Renewable energy production: estimated production from solar panels 65.6 kWh/m2a
Links for further information:
- http://www.forschungsinitiative.de/effizienzhaus-plus/
- http://www.forschungsinitiative.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Forschung/Effizienzhaus_Plus/Forschung/Begleitforschung_Netzwerk/Abschlussbericht_Effizienzhaushaus_Plus_Begleitforschung_Phase_2_final.pdf
- http://www.epbd-ca.eu/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/CT5_Report_Selected_examples_of_NZEBs-final.pdf
- http://zebau.de/fileadmin/Redaktion/Dokumente/Broschueren/BBSR_EffizienzhausPlus_Elektromobil_EN_Aufl1_barrierefre.pdf
- http://www.buildup.eu/cases/40001